26 февраля 2008 г.


In domestic hip-hop not so it is a lot of the actors, managed to get over through a psychological barrier, for which - work on a wide audience. Basta - one of such. Today at it(him) two albums, solid sales and absolutely new creative projects. And still more recently it(he) was as if(as) is written off(copied) in circulation. But has found forces to make a fair copy of destiny.

Years so ten back in native Rostov-on-Don called this person Basta KHryu or Basta Bastilio. Having started together in the Caste (their album " " contains In full action absolutely old " the First impact " with participation Basty), this Rostov rapper has quickly enough departed aside and has gone the by. Many admirers of a rap from southern regions with pleasure recollect its(his) track " My game " though it was not for what people waited from Rostov khip-хопа. However it was the present(true) success, let and local. The cartridge with these records by the most active image was duplicated by pirates, there were performances(statements), in streets began to learn(find out).

Acquaintance Basty to music was early. It(he) studied at musical school, acted in school on conductor's branch where, the truth, was not late. At senior school age Bastu has already interested a rap.

" khip-хоп has involved me with the alternativeness and a share of the protest, - recollects Basta. - At that time I conducted an original way of life - escaped from the house, on the tramp, walked. And it now we see youth and clubs, and at that time khip-хоп were such rebellious culture. Also there were many pressure(voltage) because of clothes, appearance. But it very much was pleasant to me. Music Also liked. Speak, that in Rostov it is popular Wu-Tang, but this group then has not impressed me. The sensation from Das EFX " Hold It Down " were much stronger.

Rostov of the end 90 at all was not any superadvanced from the point of view of khip-хопа a place. There was not enough information, but its(her) lack was with interest compensated by desire to construct here this mysterious and attractive culture.

" The first for my memories khip-хоп-пати we did(made) in club " That Knight " in school of arts, - recollects Basta founders of a genre in native district. - Ustarival pati Tamtam from group 2XL, it there was in general the first rap group, and in it(her) participated Vladi. At 2XL there was a hit " SHCHas as shall jump ". Vladi did(made) music for them. There was the first tusa, acted Psikholirik is Vladi, Tidan and SHymmi. I acted, we had such community Street Sounds. There was a representative delegation from Aksaya - Panama, the Hookah. And such they in a camouflage, seriously estimated. One executors gathered for those pati, as a matter of fact, but them was much. Somewhere got to itself wide shtany-" pipes ", in general were in style. There were no clubs in present understanding, but rappers found the places on interests. For example " the Draft ", even mentioned in " My game ", rastamany, addicts in positive sense there gathered... "

Then Basta as if(as) was gone from a kind. Hearings, that storchalsya went. To trust in them it would not be desirable.

" There were drugs, is simple about it(this) is not mentioned, - speaks Basta about the reasons of that not creative pause. - it is possible to tell, there was a heavy period in a life. I too wrote songs to this period, is simple very little and they practically have not entered anywhere. Though " So the spring " - this period a song " cries.

" During with 1996 on 2001 songs of the first album have been written, - continues Basta the story how its(his) musical arsenal replenished. - we then did not have a prospect such. We were engaged in it(this) with Igor Zhelezkoj the lates(late). Especially planned nothing. Well, hoped, that we now shall write down any tracks and they will blow up. Those records did not cause such big resonance ".

The new coil of a spiral has started to be untwisted in 2005 in Moscow. Basta has appeared on air of radio NEXT, both within the limits of a heading "Rap-Story", and with new tracks. Basta has appeared on local parties. Now Basta (now - Basta, without any terminations(endings)) cooperated with club " Gazgolder ", and from here it(he) has started to lay a new route of approach on khip-хоп and show business.

" In 2002 year in Rostov we have made the studio where I have restored old songs, podnapisalis new, - opisyvet Basta the intricate routes. - any compilation which all of us distributed Was generated. In Krasnodar this disk has come into the hands Bogdana Titomira which all over again has called and has suggested to buy(purchase) some songs. I have told, that the songs I do not sell. And in three months, not without help Bogdana, there was an opportunity to move to Moscow to be engaged in particularly record and release of an album ".

By invitation Titomira Basta also has got in the creative association Gazgolder which has let out(which has released) its(his) first album " Basta I ". The disk has left in 2006 and has caused the mixed reaction. For the tempted rappers it(he) has appeared prostovat, but has precisely got in broad masses. In opinion most Basty, " recognition people of in these tracks has appeared is very great ". At once on some compositions clips - by own strength have been removed(have been taken off); generally they extended through the Internet. " Basta I " showed the stable and confident sales that has involved interest of company " Monolith " to release of its(his) second plate.

" The first album was than is good: it(he) was rather spontaneous, - assesss Basta. - That is it was command of soul, whether that. There there were the most naive, but fair songs. It(he) children's, in good sense of this word, and genuine. The second too genuine, but there already is more than sensibleness of about what it is necessary to speak. The majority of this material has already been written down in Moscow. It(he), we shall tell so, more adult ".

Really, the new album named " Basta 2 " obeyed absolutely differently. It(he) is more various, the spectrum of mentioned(touched) themes is much wider, but the essence involved listeners in the first plate, is not lost. It(she) is presented under new sauce, more likely. " Basta 2 ", left in August 2007, according to letting out(releasing) company " Monolith " for two month has missed in circulation of 50 000 copies. And it without clips and radiorotation. The figure should grow, in fact in sleeve Basty there is still at least one trump - the clip on a joint track with superpopular Макsим " Our summer " is removed. More orthodox audience should interest video on updated " My game ", written down at participation Gufa. And it not everything, than can brag Basta in the future. In fact there is still alternative project Nogano (" the project of the addict, the brawler, matershinnika, the ladies' man and the swine "). There is removed(taken off) by association " Gazgolder "films" Tea a drunkard "and" Rvy " - to them Basta writes soundtracks, and in first of them also plays.

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